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Tenders India
ASRTU Tenders
Assosiation of State Road Transport Undertakings ASSOCIATION OF STATE ROAD TRANSPORT UNDERTAKINGS
ASRTU Bhawan, Plot 4-A, PSP Block, Pocket – 14, Sector -8, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075
Tel: 011-43294294 Fax No. 011-25361642, 43294242
E-mail: adrc1@asrtu.org; Website: www.asrtu.org
NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BID NOTICE                                                                                                 27.12.2012
  • 1. Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTU) is an apex body representing 61 Public Sector Bus Transport Organisations (STUs) in India. Its member STUs own nearly 1.47 lakh buses (Leyland and Tata) and purchase spares worth about Rs.800 crores a year. ASRTU invites National Competitive Bids and concludes Rate Contracts for automobile spares and accessories common to all the STUs. ASRTU’s policy is to encourage quality and competition. For easy and quick access of the vendors to participate in tenders, ASRTU has introduced Electronic Tendering (E-tendering) for on-line participation in tender.
  • 2. Bids are invited only from manufacturers for supply of the items included in the following procurement groups for application in Tata & Leyland Bus Vehicles as per categories below:
  • Category (1): Tenders are invited for finalizing rate contracts under standard/normal provisions (MODE: e-Tendering only)

    Category (2): Tenders are invited for finalizing rate contracts with Original Equipment (OE) manufacturers under OE provisions (ISSUE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS ON-LINE AND SUBMISSION OF TENDER IN MANUAL MODE)
3. FOR CATEGORY (1) ONLY Tender Notice No. 2/2012- 234th
SC (S&C)
A Tender Commencement Date : 31/12/2012 11 00 Hrs
B Tender forms request Last Date*
*(along with only DD of Rs.3000/- towards cost of tender forms)
: 30/01/2013 18 00 Hrs
C Tender Closing Date (Last Date to submit e-bid) : 31/01/2013 11 00 Hrs
D Last Date to submit Demand Draft of EMD
(E-bid stands rejected, if DD of EMD is not received in ASRTU office by this date & time)            
: 31/01/2013 11 00 Hrs
E Tender Opening Date : 31/01/2013 12 00 Hrs
Sr. No. Name of the Procurement Group Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (per procurement group)
1 Paints (Normal, Premium & PU Quality) and Paint Ancillaries Rs. 10,000/-
(Rs.Ten Thousands only)
2 Polyurethane Seat Cushion and Backrests
3 Automotive Batteries
4 Gaskets
5 Radiators & Cores
6 Tyre Retreading Material (Precured Process) and Precured Patches for Tyres & Tubes

7 Adhesives & Single Component Anaerobic Adhesives Rs. 6,000/-
(Rs.Six Thousands only)
8 Hinges and Door Locks, Conductor Bell, Tower Bolts etc.
9 Automotive Lights & Rear View Mirrors
10 Automobile Bulbs & Halogen Auto Bulbs
11 Rubber & Rubber Parts, Ballata Packing and Air Suspension Spring for Buses.
12 Oil Seals
13 Electronic Bus Ticketing Machine
14 Plywood & Wooden/Fibre Boards

The Secretary
Standing Committee (Supplies & Contracts)

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