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Environmental research
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Project Description
Section a. 1.0 Aper u and content of project proposal 1.1 project summary (1 page) the agricultural sector represented presents l Comorian economy lever. Despite the pr square pond rante qu occupies l agriculture l economy and in the labour force, the agricultural sector n cant ensure the food needs of the population. This lack of production from domestic demand thus promotes a situation d ins food security. Partial analyses do appear be a food situation and nutritional enough occupying pr: (i) the energy national tick availability would be overall insufficient (1 947 kcal/person/day in 1997, of which 41% provided by imports); (ii) 33% of the population would find themselves in a situation of food poverty absolute; (iii) l intake prot ique is particularly particularly d benefit (39.5 g/h/year in 1997, with 65% d v g origin tale, with 50% of the prot s pr ines animal import es). The weak performance of the agricultural sector in the Comoros in g n ral and more specific especially in zone e s Dimadjou cibl due to several factors including: the low technical capabilities of farmers who coupl es to the lack of technical support are not conducive to a productive agriculture in the Comoros. The disappearance of most of the d frame structures and the lack of technical services led l abandonment of certain practices of sustainable management as the re jach or crop rotation. the weakness of investments may increase production: because of the weakness of agricultural incomes and the absence d a successful financing strategy strat from l agriculture, farmers cannot make the necessary investments an efficient agriculture. For example, the majority of cropland still available n requires a work honing significant, fertilization, establishment of anti rosifs devices, as well as the equipment, d senclavement and agricultural tools. L agriculture remains strictly rainfed and is subject to the climate as al most supported by a drought in the area s vuln exists in the agricultural sector in the Dimadjou area is e aggrav by climatic disturbances that are currently experiencing the pluviometric area sorts enough low and d r rules of the seasons). L irr irregularities of pr s precipitation accompanies d a shortening of the hard e, 6 3 months or even rainy season 2 for the season s che and a d placement of the seasons with an impact on local microclimate. L index d aridit s is then increased from 12 14, confirming the persistence of drought s. The implications of climate on l agriculture disturbances and resource res foresti are numerous and include l erosion of the soil, the water deficits, disruption of agricultural calendars d, migration of fauna and flora associated with a specific microclimate. With all its projections, this vuln exists will undoubtedly affect l Comorian agriculture in General and the Dimadjou area in particular if measures of r its interoperability with the climate vulnerability reduction are not taken. EU gard which pr c, the submitted program ABC in the Dimadjou area (adaptation community-based l Agriculture to climate change, aims the strengthening of l fitness l adaptation of the peasant community to r percussion considered vulnerable to climate change, while contributing also internal food security and r the national in connection with the climate objectives. In this context, an adaptation of the producers will be necessary by changing farm management practices and the adoption of new vari s t v g tales or new animal breeds, more s adapt to the climate regulations d. It must also be based on the agricultural development of the res fili d and the sustainable development d of farms, including: (i) int gr management (e) of the productivity of the soil. (ii) the strengthening of support to farmers (water infrastructure) services; and (iii) the dissemination of technologies am lior diss. Which requires d apply system systematically principles of sustainability management agriculture, with a view to ensure its sustainability to climate change. 1.2 organizational context and the ability to implement the project (1page) these last time, the association MA-old field is synonymous with (d) former peasants who have acquired a certain comp competence and experience in the field of agriculture and l lifting. Today these s members help each other agricultural operations (d sherbage, semi, weeding etc.) on the principle of Mranda in the op. They organize a day of awareness and d interviews tracks and roads in the Dimadjou plateau. This Dynamics manifest e init by its members with the municipality of the village
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