Project Category
Project Category
Environmental policy and administrative management
Project Description
Project Description
Since its inception in 1993 to date, the program Peque as Gifts in Costa Rica has financed about 450 projects to NGOs and civil society, putting at your disposal n resources for the development of local environmental action overall incidence. S But in addition to providing financial support, the program goal of strengthening the capacities of partner groups is proposed, that is n in a better ability to generate sustainable livelihoods, n gain more understandable environmental problems, participate in the ny planning decisions regarding the sustainable management of natural resources and the flow and exchange of experiences. In Costa Rica the PPD has directed its financial support primarily to community-based organizations, with a high participation of womens groups n and ind nous populations. This has been possible because the pa s there is an important social fabric, with a broad level of organization in rural areas. However, community-based groups have weaknesses in organizational and MANAGERIAL n, which is required to respond. This turned into a commitment PDP medium and long term, particularly complex work n the high number of partner organizations attended. The accompanying aa organizations from the design phase or project, and throughout the execution of the same program. Organizations that require as receive assistance in project formulation n or n enlargement of the same when put into execution and necessary. Importantly starts any project receives a workshop on mechanisms of induction n execution, monitoring and evaluation will the project, which is geared to the organization in the elaboration n reporting, project accounting and participatory evaluation of n progress. APRODE is a non-profit organization created in 2001 by the staff of the Unit T FID technique and representatives of grassroots organizations participating in the FID. This Association was created with the aim of contributing to the IDF and to offer an option on the administration ultimately n n cr dito program FID. Thus was created APRODE having among its objectives the development of programs, projects and activities for the promotion of people CONDITION n n poverty. APRODE has focused its expertise in the development of programs aimed cr credit to finance productive activities undertaken by individuals or groups of population in poverty CONDITION n n or social exclusion. Within this context, APRODE currently running several programs such as: The IDF called cr dito Program for refugee population in Costa Rica Program cr dito own resources for entrepreneurs consolidated activities have been developed to meet the main demands on capacity building, which have focused on the following: Support T-direct technique groups as specialized partners-Advisor-Networking-Sharing Experiences on environmental issues-Support for the promotion and marketing of the products of n TRC-Comm Divulgaci ny n The pipeline runs PDP accelerated growth, to date, have approved more than 450 projects, and she needs training and accompanying TMENT groups. Result of this growth, there has been a grouping n thereof around common axes, the conformation n alliances or joint spaces di logo among organizations that enable networking. This made the situation n the program identified and strategies put in march specs FICAS support to specific sectors, with the aim not only to provide funding, but to provide continued support to allow consolidation initiatives. 4. Overall Objective Contribute to the work of strengthening the capacity t technique and administrators of non-governmental organizations and community-based groups being done as Peque Program grants, so they can improve their living conditions through n environmental action. 5 Objectives Objective 1 FICOS Spec. Supporting the process Evaluation and an analysis of impacts of community projects for a s synthesis of assertions and generalizations that allow us to facilitate learning processes and to obtain guidelines for these processes accompanying AND ENVIRONMENT. Objective 2: To strengthen the organizational, administrative yt technique of partner organizations program capacity. Objective 3: Support the implementation of the National Strategy Comunicaci ny n Divulgaci PDP.
Costa rica
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