Project Category
Project Category
Environmental research
Project Description
Project Description
The Project is planned to be implemented in Rivne region. The project s main idea is to spread the information on towns sustainable energy development through the regional competition among newly elected or reelected city mayors. The main partners in the project implementation will be town councils of Rivne region that will apply to participate in the competition. The special status in partnership will be possessed by the town council of the competition winner-town the Action plan for town sustainable energy use will be developed with an active involvement of the residents. Significant cooperation and mobilization of the local CBOs and NGOs is planed in the Project framework. Due to the lack of knowledge and tailored tools energy management of the buildings in the remote areas is very rare. The Project foresees: 1. Holding the introductory meeting (in the form of conference) with newly elected representatives of the local government; During the participatory conference economically justified necessity of energy planning, audit and monitoring of a town activity will be demonstrated. 2. During the meeting town mayors will be offered to participate in a competition. Town-winner will get an opportunity to develop the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Development. To increase the motivation for the plan development the town-winner will be offered to finance the process in the amount of 30%. 3. To participate in the competition the towns should develop a number of events on saving energy costs in the towns buildings (the methodology will be presented during the conference). This will be a competition challenge that does not require considerable finance expenses, however is often ignored by the local officials: windows/doors replacement or insulation, walls insulation, door tightened locking insulation, anti-drought seals insulation under doors, transfer to energy saving lights, etc. 4. On-site audits on evaluation of real energy efficiency in municipal buildings will be held in the towns, that volunteered to participate in the competition. 5. During the competition challenge implementing permanent consulting and informational help will be offered to the participants. 6. After the allotted time for the performance, a repeated on-site energy audit will be held to estimate real achievements in the energy sector of the selected towns in Rivne region. 7. On the basis of the held energy audits the towns that do not win the competition will be given recommendations for energy efficiency improvements in municipal buildings. 8. All the above mentioned activities will be accompanied with massive informational support, promoting ecological, economic and social benefits of towns energy planning and development. In this context, social advertisement campaign on planned events and explanation of their importance and their necessity will be hold in the towns and villages. Hence, after the project implementation new and reelected town mayors will become aware of the problem ov local energy saving and planning. Introducing the energy saving measures a winning town will have the detailed and approved Action Plan for Sustainable Energy as well as the massive educational and participatory campaign for the residents. It is planned to form and expose municipal buildings energy efficiency rating during the campaign. As well during the home task accomplishment the towns-participants will reduce heat loses in municipal buildings that will reduce CO2 emotions into environment.
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