Project Category
Project Category
Environmental research
Project Description
Project Description
The eco fuel blocks project fundamentally addresses the twin problem of the disposal of masses of saw dust waste generated by timber saw mills whilist at the same time providing an affordable alternative energy source to fuel wood.the timber saw mills in zimbabwe `s eastern highlands produce millions of tonne of saw dust annually as a by product of thir operations which they dispose of by open and free incineration. this naturally contributes to the emission of the green house gas , carbon dioxide accompanied by the dissipation of large quantities of heat energy into the atmosphere. Safire seeks to harness this energy for domestic and micro industrial purposes in the form of of eco fuel blocks or saw dustbriquettes. the masses of saw dust waste produced by Zimboard in Mutare are currently posiing a srious threat in terms of solid waste management.the eco fuel blocks project seeks to provide an alternative to fuel wood in the form of environment friendly eco blocks based on saw dust briquttes. project objectives -harnessing the energy in saw dust waste and other fibrous materiials for domestic energy purposes in the form of environmentally friendly eco blocks -providing an affordable alternative energy source of energy to fuel wood for both rural and urban households through the introduction of environmentally friendly eco -blocks. -reduction in the emission of gren house gases associated with the free burning of saw dust -reduction in deforestation -awareness of the environmental hazards associated with deforestation. project outcomes -an annual reduction of saw dust incineration of 25000 tonnes in the first year rising to 75000 tonnes at the end of the third year which directly corresponds to the reduction in the associated free emission of GHG`S -provision of 25000 tonnes of an environmentally friendly renewable form of energy in the form of eco blocks by the end of the first year of production and 7500tonnes at theend of the third year -acceptance and use of ecoblocks as a sutitute for fuel wood and coal by communities , agro industrial and industrial users -introduction of environmetally friendly enerhy efficient eco -stoves -reduction in deforestation associated with fuel wood harvesting in the target communities -reduction in disposal costs for saw dust waste by timber sawmills -improvement in community livelihoods through 1. provision of eco blocks as an energy source to communities without access to fuel wood 2. use of energy efficient eco stves 3. use of eco blocks to support the growth and develpment of cottage industries -increased awareness by target communities of the impact of deforestation engendered by fuel wood harvesting planned activities to achieve outcomes -forging partnerships with key stakeholders in the eco blocks/ eco stoves project -expansion of the pilot plant to accomodate two additional briquettes machines for eco -blocks -purchase of two briquettes machines and production of eco blocks -design, develpment and promotion of energy efficient eco stoves -awareness and education campaigns and promotion of the use of eco blocks as an environmentally friendly renewable form of energy that arrests deforestation. -monitoring and evaluating the use of eco blocks and eco stoves and their impact on livelihoods and deforstation in the target communities.
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