Project Category
Project Category
Environmental policy and administrative management
Project Description
Project Description
Non-point sources of pollution are the main cause of environmental degradation in the Shemnica watershed which is part of the transboundary Vardar river basin. The pollution with nutrients and faecal bacteria from livestock production and households are the principle sources in the upper the middle parts of the Shemnica watershed which fall within the boundaries of the Pelister National Park. The deterioration of the environment affects the important biological diversity in Shemnica river, including the globally threatened pelagonide trout (Salmo pelagonicus), but also the aesthetic qualities of the landscape. In effect, the environmental degradation hampers the development of the alternative forms of tourism in the only local community in the area the village of Malovishta. In the effort to set Malovishta along the path of sustainable development, alternative tourism has been given a high priority by the local community and the Public Institution Pelister National Park. The development of alternative forms of tourism in Malovishta opens an opportunity to substitute the current economic based on extractive uses of the biological diversity with non-consumptive uses. Thus, the focus on alternative tourism in this project links environmental protection, nature conservation, human health concerns and diversification of livelyhood opportunities for the local community in Malovishta and the Shemnica watershed. The benefits of this project fllow beyond the Shemnica watershed which is part of the larger transboundary Vardar river basin. For instance, the water from this watershed is used for irrigation, industrial purposes and human consumption in Pelagonia region, including the Bitola urban area. The overall goal of this project is to promote alternative tourism development in Shemnica river watershed through nature conservation, environmental protection and development of capacities and material preconditions for tourism activities. In order to achieve the overall goal of the project, the folloving aims will need to be met: 1. Pollution from livestock operations in the upper and middle parts of Shemnica river watershed is significantly reduced. 2. The quality of Shemnica river ecosystem as habitat for rare and important biological diversity is improved. 3. There is adequate accomodation and catering facilities in Malovishta 4. Malovishta is known as an important tourist destination in Pelister National Park, the Bitola-Prespa Region and the wider area.
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