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The Trinidad Piping Guan or Pawi, Pipile pipile, is endemic to Trinidad and is globally among the most endangered cracids. Its population of approximately 230 individuals is now thought to be confined to the north-eastern forests of Trinidad , but was historically widespread on the island. Its conservation status is listed as critically endangered (CR) by the IUCN . The Pawi is being affected by degradation of its habitats through deforestation including quarrying and the encroachment of the built environment; the bird also falls prey to hunters. The Guardian Life Wildlife Fund in collaboration with national and international partners has taken up the challenge to help save the Pawi and has embarked on its Pride in Pawi Project, a comprehensive communication programme aimed at educating nationals on the Pawi and encouraging protection of this endangered bird. This umbrella project will be carried out on three main platforms: Platform I Community Intervention and Capacity Building, Platform II Schools Campaign, and Platform III National Awareness. This project is focusing on Platform I of the Pride in Pawi umbrella project. This Platform I in the Pride in Pawi umbrella project aims to educate hunters, the local communities in areas in which the Pawi has been sighted, and other stakeholders about the threatened status of this species, its national importance and value to conservation. This community-based approach will serve to increase local community interest and participation in conservation of this guan. Building and maintaining these relationships, encouraging education and interest in the Trinidad Piping Guan (or Pawi) will lay the foundation for eco tourism and alternative sustainable appreciation of Pawi and its habitat. This approach will also build local community knowledge and capacity to receive and enhance on an ongoing basis the wider interest generated through the other two platforms of the umbrella project. The project will engage and liaise with relevant government bodies and state agencies such as the Forestry Division`s Wildlife Section and the Environmental Management Authority who are also key stakeholders. It is hoped that they will be co-opted in the community training along with representatives of the Asa Wright Nature Centre, the Pawi Study Group, the Guardian Life Wildlife Fund, the World Pheasant Association, the Confederation of Hunters Associations for Conservation, and Birdlife International. This project seeks to leverage the existing relationships between the local communities, NGOs and State Agencies in such a way that will empower the communities to actively protect the Pawi and its habitats. Activities to foster this will include training in ecotourism, provision of opportunities for local people to effectively manage their resources (e.g. through their designation as Honorary Game Wardens), and to be actively involved in research and education activities in their communities. The rural communities of Brasso Seco, Brasso Tamana, Grande Riviere, Guayaguayare, Moruga, Blanchisseuse, Matura and Matelot will benefit through training in species identification. This training can serve as the basis for guan-centred eco-tourism and provides an opportunity to increase local pride and sense of ownership of this species.
Trinidad and tobago
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