Ref. No
Notice Type
Tender Notice Number
Contract Type
Domestic Competitive Bidding
Self Funded
INDIA\Tamil Nadu
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited||Boiler Auxiliaries Plant, Ranipet||Productivity and Management Service
Contact Name: MANAGER
Address: BHEL Ranipet
Tender Details
Title: Out sourcing of Paramedical and Non Technical Manpower services for BHEL BAP Main Hospital, FMC and BHEL Peripheral Dispensary at Vellore (Fixed manpower requirement of 42 persons per month)

Description: Out sourcing of Paramedical and Non Technical Manpower services for BHEL BAP Main Hospital, FMC and BHEL Peripheral Dispensary at Vellore (Fixed manpower requirement of 42 persons per month)

Tender Id: 2023_BHEL_703558_1Tender Reference Number: 975522070E

Fee Payable To: Nil

Fee Payable At: Nil

EMD Payable To: BHEL Ranipet

EMD Payable At: Ranipet

Posting Date
15 Mar 2023
Bid Deadline
Estimated Cost
28198072 INR

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