German Development Cooperation
German Technical Cooperation

for conducting “Integrated Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment for Value Chains” in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh – Nr.83363118

The BMZ’s special initiative “ONE World, No Hunger“ aims to make a considerable contribution to decreasing poverty and hunger. To boost productivity in the agricultural sector as a means of increasing rural incomes and food security through a broad-based implementation of agricultural innovations is part of the special initiative’s strategy. One of the global programmes under this special initiative is the “Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector” (“Grüne Innovationszentren in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft”, GIAE). The global programme is implemented in Ethiopia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, India, Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Zambia, Togo, Tunesia and Vietnam.

The Green Innovation Centre India wants small-scale farming enterprises and rural entrepreneurs to get more money out of their work. To achieve this, we disseminate innovations along value chains based on three crops: tomato, potato and apple. We work in line with priorities of the Government of India, specifically ‘Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022’.

The project has partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, (MoAFW) and is implemented by Agriculture and Finance International GmbH (AFC), Mahila Abhivruddhi Society, Andhra Pradesh (APMAS) and Welthungerhilfe (WHH). The project locations include Shimla and Kullu districts in Himachal Pradesh; Aurangabad, Pune districts in Maharashtra; Chitradurga, Chikmaglur and Hassan districts in Karnataka; and Chittor district in Andhra Pradesh.

For this assignment, the GIAE project is partnering alongwith another bilateral GIZ Project, Climate Change Adaptation and Finance in Rural Areas of India (CAFRI) who are working in partnership of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change. The overall aim of this project is to support partners in reducing climate change risks for vulnerable groups and sectors as well as capacity building of actors (different levels) in the planning, implementation and financing of climate adaptation initiatives at the State level. The project further supports stakeholders at the national and subnational level in policy formulation, preparation and implementation of tools and instruments which address climate change adaptation. The objective of the assignment is to conduct a Climate Risk Analysis in the GAIE India project areas.

The bidding firm will have to submit the proposal in digital format / electronically –

Please refer to the bidding conditions and follow the instructions carefully.

The detailed documentation with regards to this call for proposals includes:

  • Terms of Reference for the Assignmen
  • Grid for Assessing the Eligibility of Firms
  • Technical Evaluation Grid
  • Bidding Conditions
  • General Terms & Conditions of Contracts


  • 10th October' 2020
  • 20th October' 2020
  • 22nd October' 2020

The deadline for submission of proposal is: : 30th October' 2020

GIZ reserves the right to cancel/modify this tender and /or reject a bid document including subsequently a technical and financial proposal, without assigning any reasons.